Brighton’s Voice, BHS’s weekly segment featuring the thoughts and opinions of different members of the student body, returns for a special holiday edition. Brighton’s Voice aims to engage as many members of the student body as possible. If interested in participating, students are encouraged to reach out to [email protected].
Winter break is just around the corner for students at BHS, and with it comes holiday traditions and celebrations. For those who celebrate Christmas, the focus is often what lies underneath the tree on Christmas morning. This week, students responded to the question, “What do you want for Christmas this year?”

Freshman Representative: Trinity Olszewski
Answer: “For Christmas, I want some clothes, I want [an] iPad, and probably some art stuff.”

Sophomore Name: Chayse Caudill
Answer: “For Christmas, I want the Middle East to be happy and full of love. The Middle East has too much war going on, and for Christmas, I want for peace—and for Santa to come to my house.”

Junior Representative: Josephina Avis
Answer: “This Christmas, I’d like to spend it with my family; I want to make a yule log with my older sister; and finally, I want to go ice skating with my family and friends.”

Senior Representatives: Aiden Lee (left) and Matthew Skoczylas (right)
Answers: “All I want for Christmas is the Grimace Shake. I’ve never got to experience it.” – Lee
“All I want for Christmas is world peace. I want to stop world hunger and stomach pain.” – Skoczylas