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Amid proposed schedule changes for the 2025-2026 school year, students and parents are divided whether to return before or after Labor Day.
The start of the school year has been a big controversy here in Brighton Area Schools. Surrounding districts have begun to start the school year before Labor Day, while Brighton has continued to go back the following week. Parents have defended the importance of the holiday and don’t wish to return before it ends. They want to continue eating their hot dogs and rice krispie treats in peace. This year, however, BAS is seeing if the public has changed their minds; should BAS go to school before or after Labor Day?
Aubrey Blush thinks that schools should start school before Labor Day for a couple of very important reasons. The first and one of the most cited reasons is that AP testing is always scheduled for May. Therefore, schools that start in the second week of August have two extra weeks of preparation for the exams compared to Brighton.
“I feel the pressure leading up to AP exams, especially from my teachers who have to cram more information into less time because of our late start date. Not only would starting earlier make it easier for me to learn, but it would also help my teachers be less stressed about getting us all of our information on time,” said senior Owen Blush.
Another reason that starting school earlier is beneficial is because all of the other schools in Livingston County start before Brighton, which would make summer plans more cohesive across the county.
“My cousins go to Hartland, and they get out earlier in May and go back earlier. I feel like this limits the time that we can spend together because one of us is usually in school,” said sophomore Anna Giles.
The last reason why starting schools a week earlier is beneficial is because it would help align with college schedules. This is beneficial for the students who dual enroll because then they don’t have to do work outside of school.
Gabby Giorgio thinks that the school year should start after Labor Day because she can spend more time with family. Her family comes to town for the holiday week, and she doesn’t want to have to worry about school while with her family. Furthermore, the other districts have already gone back during those final weeks, so BAS has the world to themselves. While the students of BHS are riding roller coasters at Cedar Point, everyone else is learning about the mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell. Giorgio believes that BAS should continue to do what it has done for all of the years prior and go back to school after Labor Day. Some of Giorgio’s classmates agree with her intuitive reasoning.
Riley Body said, “We should go back after Labor Day because then I can go back at the same time as my sisters and get out at the same time as my sisters.”
In years prior, the parents of Brighton Area Schools have voted to go back after Labor Day. It seems only right to get a parent’s opinion on the topic. Opposing Sides has a very special guest today, Gregg Giorgio, who also happens to agree with his daughter.
Gregg Giorgio said, “The weather in August is better than the weather in June in Michigan, so we get an extra two weeks to enjoy it. Planning vacations the last two weeks of August is easier because almost all of the country is back in school already, so vacation destinations are less busy.”
The results of an Instagram post conducted by The BHS Times declares Gabby as this week’s winner, with 79% of people preferring to start school after Labor Day. Good luck next week, Aubrey.