A new club is coming to Brighton High School and looking to go green.
The newly founded Sierra Club is a student organization focused on environmentalism and ecology that encourages young people to learn about and appreciate the natural world.
“The Sierra Club, to me, is an opportunity to get young people educated and involved in the environment around us,” said club leader Olivia Jagst.
The club is a charter of the Sierra Club, a national organization dedicated to the health and well-being of the nation’s ecosystems. It has been fighting for nature since 1892.
Member and leader Jagst has always been passionate about the outdoors, and the Sierra Club’s mission resonated with her.
“I want to send the message that you’re never too young to get involved and make an inspirational imprint,” Jagst said.
They are working for the health of nature, fighting climate change and promoting healthy living standards, such as clean water and air. In Livingston County, they have spread awareness about disrupting bird migrations and the harms of microplastics in the environment.
The club is open to any student at BHS who wants to learn more about the world around them and has a knack for caring for and helping the environment. They meet every Thursday after school to brainstorm their next projects and participate in various labs and discussions.
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